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The SERCOWIND company works with professionals in the fields of Industry, Wind Power, Naval and Offshore.

Gestionnaires de chantier
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Flexible loads for test are specially designed to perform load tests of lifting gear such:

Picto Palan Sercowind.png


Picto Grue Sercowind.png


Picto Pont roulant Sercwind.png


… or bridge-type structure load tests…

We manufacture our soft fillers in rubber-coated technical textiles. This gives them great resistance and a small footprint when folded when empty. It remains to fill them with water to carry out the load tests. These test loads are a practical, efficient and economical means (low cost of transport) to carry out static and dynamic tests.


The decree of March 1, 2004 relating to verifications of lifting devices and accessories defines the static and dynamic test of a lifting device.

The static test consists of supporting the lifting device, equipped with all its accessories, and its supports, with the maximum working load, multiplied by the static test coefficient, without causing it to move for a specified period. . The purpose of the static test is to ensure that the device can sustain the load it supports in all configurations. This is a fundamental principle for ensuring the safety of personnel.


The dynamic test of a lifting device consists in causing the lifting device to move the maximum working load multiplied by the dynamic test coefficient so as to bring this load into all the positions it can occupied, without taking into account either the speed obtained or the heating of the device. The deflections and deformations due to the test will be measured as necessary.


Flexible test fillers are an alternative to the concrete blocks usually used as fillers.

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